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Commémoration de la Pure Clarté de Clémence ( Thanh Minh )
Marche dans l’herbe des cimetières ( Dap Thanh )

( Visite et recueillement auprès des tombes de proches )

KVK102 - de vers 39 à vers 76

Poème : Nguyen Du
Musique : Quách Vinh-Thien    

Paris, le 8 mai 2006

Traduction : Léon Lê Dình Bao

Le temps passe, comme l’hirondelle voguant sur le fuseau printanier,
Sur les quatre-vingt dix jours du printemps clair et calme, on est déjà au-delà du soixantième,
Pendant que l’herbe tendre s’étend, tel un tapis de verdure, jusqu’au bout de l’horizon,
Le poirier voit la blancheur de ses branches décorée de fleurs.

Bien doux au troisième mois, le climat est propice
à la Commémoration de La Pure Clarté de Clémence,
Alors résonnent sur l’herbe verte les pas de visiteurs
qui, respectueux des rites, viennent se recueillir et faire la toilette les tombes,
Tels hirondelles et loriots, la foule, gaie et joyeuse, promène ses pas,
Sur leurs trente et un, les deux sœurs, accompagnées de leur frère,
font leur ballade pour fêter le printemps,
Dans la foule animée, en bonne compagnie, ports gracieux et élégants se croisent,
Se drapant dans leurs belles toilettes, dans des voitures et sur des chevaux, qui avancent, fluides,
De toutes parts, apparaissent monticules et tumulus,
De lingots d’or en papier collé, et le vent vient éparpiller les cendres
des papiers imprimés de sapèques,
Lentement, le soleil descend à son couchant,
Les sœurs et leur frère, le cœur en flânerie, côte à côte, refluent,
A petits pas, en longeant un cours d’eau,
Peu à peu, ils découvrent le paysage apparu simplement beau et calme, l’eau coule, à flux susurrants,
En aval, ils traversent un petit pont enjambant le cours d’eau,
Apparaît tout à coup sur le côté un tumulus,
L’herbe y est flétrie,
Kiêu dit : ‘Comment se fait-il qu’en ce jour de la Pure Clarté de clémence ?
L’encens et la fumée se font si étrangement absents juste là,

Le temps passe, comme l’hirondelle voguant sur le fuseau printanier,
Sur les quatre-vingt dix jours du printemps clair et calme, on est déjà
au-delà du soixantième,
Pendant que l’herbe tendre s’étend, tel un tapis de verdure, jusqu’au bout de l’horizon,
Le poirier voit la blancheur de ses branches clairsemée de fleurs.

Vuong Quan raconte alors toute l’histoire :
Dam Tiên fut jadis une chanteuse :
Renommée par son talent et sa beauté,
Aux portes de sa demeure, l’affluence de connaisseurs
ne manquait jamais d’être empressée,
Hélas, le destin des femmes belles est bien fragile,
En plein épanouissement printanier, la fleur rare au parfum céleste devait-elle
se rompre, Un amateur, venu de loin,
Ayant eu l’écho de sa réputation, pensait aussi se divertir en cherchant à voir la damoiselle,
Mais, à peine que le bateau de l’amouraché a-t-il accosté,
Que déjà, était brisée l’épingle de cheveux, et le vase cassé,
Dans la chambre inoccupée, régnait un néant glacial,
Dehors, la mousse commençait déjà à recouvrir les ornières de chevaux et voitures,
Pleurs et lamentations de l’homme ne pouvaient exprimer la douleur qui l’empoignait tant,
L’absence de prédestinée nous paraissait décidément, ô combien maligne,
de faire manquer l’être aimé à l’être aimant,
Notre union n’était-elle pas promise par le destin,
Ainsi, ne me reste-il qu’à vous offrir un simple espoir en guise d’hommage
de mon amour, à vous, pour toujours destiné.


Commemoration of the Pure Clearness of Clemency ( Thanh Minh )
Walking on the grass of cemeteries ( Dap Thanh )

KVK102 - Kim Van Kieu, From verse 39 to verse 76

( Visits and prayers on relatives’ tombs )

Poem : Nguyen Du
Music : Quách Vïnh-Thien    Paris, May 8th 2006

Translation : Léon Lê Dình Bao

The Time goes by, as the swallow sailing on the spring spindle,
Over the ninety days of the clear calm spring, it is already beyond the sixtieth,
While the tender grass is expanding, such a carpet of greenery, at the end of the horizon,
The pear tree is observing its branches’ whiteness decorated with flowers.
At the third month, the quite soft climate is favourable for the Commemoration of the Pure Clearness of Clemency,
Then on the green grass resound the steps of visitors who, respectful of the rites, come for praying and cleaning the tombs,
Like swallows and orioles, the crowds, cheerful and merry, are leisurely walking,
The two sisters, accompanied by their brother, all well-dressed, make their ballad to celebrate the spring,
In the animated crowds, in good company, gracious and elegant bearings are intermingling,
Being draped themselves in pretty dresses, in cars and on horses, who fluidily are moving,
Appear everywhere hummocks and tumuli,
Of gold ingots made of stuck paper, and the wind scatters the ashes of the sapper printed paper,
Slowly, the sun is going down to its setting,
The two sisters and their brother, the heart dawdling, side by side, are going back,
By small steps, while going along a waterway,
Little by little, they discover the landscape appeared simply beautiful and quiet,
Susurration, the water is flowing,
Downstream, they cross a small bridge spanning the waterway,
On the side a tumulus appears suddenly,
The grass is faded there,
Kieu says : `Why in this day of the Pure Clearness of Clemency
The incense and smoke are so curiously absent right there’,
The Time goes by, as the swallow sailing on the spring spindle,
Over the ninety days of the clear calm spring, it is already beyond the sixtieth,
While the tender grass is expanding, such a carpet of greenery, at the end of the horizon,
The pear tree is observing its branches’ whiteness decorated with flowers.
Vuong Quan tells the whole story then :
Dam Tiên was formerly a singer :
Famous to be talented and beautiful,
At the doors of her residence, the numerous knowledgeable persons never failed to be hastened,
Alas, the beautiful women’ destiny is too precarious,
In her full spring blooming, had the celestial scented rare flower had to be broken down,
An amateur, come by far,
Having heard of her reputation, also thought to divert himself by looking for seeing the young lady,
But, when the amorous amateur’s boat just had been accosted,
That already, was smashed the pin of hair, and the vase broken,
In the uninhabited room, reigned the icy naught,
Outside, the foam already had been covering the horses and cars’ ruts ,
The man’s tears and lamentations could not express the pain which took hold of him so much,
The absence of predestined fate appeared to us definitely, so how malignant, in the way that the loving being to miss the loved one.
Was our union not promised by the destiny,
Thus, only it let me offering you a simple hope as a homage of my love, for always, to you dedicated.

Thanh Minh Đạp Thanh

KVK102 - Kim Vân Kiều, từ câu 39 dến câu 76
Thơ : Nguyễn Du
Nhạc : Quách Vĩnh-Thiện
Paris, le 8 mai 2006

Ngày xuân con én đưa thoi,
Thiều quang chín chục đã ngoài sáu mươi,
Cỏ non xanh rợn chân Trời,
Cành lê trắng điểm một vài bông hoa.

Thanh minh trong tiết tháng ba,
Lễ là Tảo mộ hội là Đạp Thanh,
Gần xa nô nức yến anh,
Chị em sắm sửa bộ hành chơi xuân,
Dập dìu tài tử giai nhân,
Ngựa xe như nước áo quần như nêm,
Ngổn ngang gò đống kéo lên,
Thoi vàng vó rắc tro tiền giấy bay,
Tà tà bóng ngã về tây,
Chị em thơ thẩn dan tay ra về,
Bước dần theo ngọn tiểu khê,
Lần xem phong cảnh có bề thanh thanh,
Nao nao dòng nước uốn quanh,
Nhịp cầu nho nhỏ cuối ghềnh bắc ngang,
Sè sè nấm đất bên đường,
Dàu dàu ngọn cỏ nửa vàng nửa xanh,
Rằng sao trong tiết Thanh Minh,
Mà đây hương khói vắng tanh thế mà.

Ngày xuân con én đưa thoi,
Thiều quang chín chục đã ngoài sáu mươi,
Cỏ non xanh rợn chân Trời,
Cành lê trắng điểm một vài bông hoa,

Vương Quan mới dẫn gần xa,
Đạm Tiên nàng ấy xưa là ca nhi,
Nổi danh tài sắc một thì,
Xôn xao ngoài cửa hiếm vì yến anh,
Kiếp hồng nhan có mong manh,
Nửa chừng xuân thoắt gãy cành thiên hương,
Có người khách ở viễn phương,
Xa nghe cũng nức tiếng nàng tìm chơi,
Thuyền tình vừa ghé tới nơi,
Thì đà trâm gãy bình rơi bao giờ,
Buồng không lặng ngắt như tờ,
Dấu xe ngựa đã rêu lờ mờ xanh,
Khóc than khôn xiết sự tình,
Khéo vô duyên bấy là mình với ta,
Đã không duyên trước chăng mà,
Thì chi chút đình gọi là duyên sau.