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CD Kim Vân Kiều 7 - Chữ Tài Chữ Mệnh



Châu Trần

CD-KVK703 - Từ 2863 câu dến câu 2906
Thơ : Nguyễn Du
Nhạc : Quách Vĩnh-Thiện
Paris, le 11 Novembre 2008

Ca Sĩ : Hương Giang

Chàng Vương nhớ đến xa gần,
Sang nhà Chung lão tạ ân chu thuyền,
Tình xưa ân trả nghĩa đền,
Gia thân lại mới kết duyên Châu Trần,
Kim từ nhẹ bước thanh vân,
Nỗi nàng càng nghĩ xa gần càng thương,
Ấy ai hẹn ngọc thề vàng,
Bây giờ Kim Mã ngọc đường với ai ?
Ngọn bèo chân sóng lạc loài,
Nghĩ mình vinh hiển thương người lưu ly.
Vâng ra ngoại dặm Lâm Tri,
Quan san nghìn dặm thê nhi một đoàn,
Cầm đường ngày tháng thanh nhàn,
Sớm khuya tiếng hạc tiếng đàn tiêu dao,
Phòng xuân trướng rủ hoa đào,
Nàng Vân nằm bỗng chiêm bao thấy nàng,
Tỉnh ra mới rỉ cùng chàng,
Nghe lời chàng cũng hai đường tin nghi,
Họ Lâm Thanh với Lâm Tri,
Khác nhau một chữ hoặc khi có lầm,
Trong cơ thanh khí tương tầm,
Ở đây hoặc có giai âm chăng là.

Thăng đường chàng mới hỏi tra,
Họ Đô có kẻ lại già thưa lên,
Sự nầy đã ngoại mười niên,
Tôi đà biết mặt biết tên rành rành,
Tú Bà cùng Mã Giám Sinh,
Đi mua người ở Bắc Kinh đưa về,
Thúy Kiều tài sắc ai bì,
Có nghề đàn lại đủ nghề văn thơ,
Kiên trinh chẳng phải gan vừa,
Liều mình thế ấy phải lừa thế kia.
Phong trần chịu đã ê chề,
Dây duyên sao lại xe về Thúc Lang,
Phải tay vợ cả phũ phàng,
Bắt về Vô Tích toan đường bẻ hoa,
Dứt mình nàng phải trốn ra,
Chẳng may lại gặp một nhà Bạc kia,
Thoắt buôn về thoắt bán đi,
Mây trôi bèo nổi thiếu gì là nơi,
Bỗng đâu lại gặp một người,
Hơn người trí dũng nghiêng trời uy linh,
Trong tay mười vạn tinh binh,
Kéo về đóng chật một thành Lâm Tri.

Chú giải :
Kim Mã = Kim Trọng, Mã Giám Sinh,
Ngọc đường = Cảnh quan gia phú quý,
Thê nhi = vợ con,
Giai âm = Tin tốt,
Kiên trinh = Giữ gìn trinh tiết.

Chau Tran, familles alliées
( Châu Trần )
CD-KVK7-03, de vers 2863 à vers 2906.
Musique : Quach Vinh-Thien. Paris, le 11 Novembre 2008.
Traduction : Nguyen Van Vinh

Voix : Huong Giang

Le jeune Vuong n’oubliait pas dans son bonheur le passé proche et lointain.
Il se rendit chez le vieux secrétaire Chung pour le remercier de son intervention grâce à laquelle lui et ses parents étaient encore en vie.

Pour payer en retour tout le bien qu’il lui devait.
Et pour rendre ces liens de reconnaissance plus étroits, il épousa sa fille.
Depuis que d’un pas allègre Kim avait accédé aux honneurs.
Il pensait davantage à la bien-aimée de son cœur en faisant à son endroit des réflexions amères et éprouvait pour elle plus de pitié encore.
Oh, toi avec qui j’ai échangé des promesses et des serments.
Que n’es-tu là pour partager avec moi ma joie et mon bonheur ?
Comme une racine de lentille d’eau parmi les flots agités tu es aujourd’hui éloignée de tous ceux qui te sont chers.
Dans mon triomphe et ma fortune ton malheur m’apparait comme une injustice criante.
Un ordre de l’autorité supérieure l’envoya rempli les fonctions de sous-préfet d’une circonscription maritime à Lâm Tri.
Suivi de sa petite famille il se mit en route, traversa des montagnes et des portes de cités innombrables semées le long de sa longue roue.
Dans le yamen orné de la Pipa symbolique, il connut des jours et des mois de paisible bonheur.
Matin et soir il jouissait de son bonheur tranquille parmi les cris de la grue et les sons de la Pipa.
Dans la chambre printanière aux rideaux tombés ornés de fleurs de pêcher.
La jeune dame Vân revit un jour sa sœur en rêve.
A son réveil, elle en fit part à son mari.
Ecoutant son récit, Kim Trong ne savait s’il devait croire ou non à la signification des rêves.
Il y a se dit-il Lâm Thanh et Lâm Tri.
Un seul des deux caractères formant ces deux noms diffère. La confusion est possible.
Il y a dans cette circonstance les indices du phénomène connu : Les sympathies se recherchent.
Ici peut-être nous aurons des nouvelles de Kieu.
Aussitôt après la prise de service, Kim se mit à interroger le personnel du yamen.
Un vieux secrétaire du nom de Dô lui répondit.
Cette affaire date de plus de dix ans.
J’ai vu les gens, je me rappelle leurs noms.
Tu Bà et Ma Giam Sinh.
Ils avaient été ensemble acheté une jeune personne à Pékin et l’ont amenée ici.
Thuy Kieu, c’était le nom de cette jeunesse, avait des talents et une beauté incomparables.
Elle jouait du Pipa, faisait de la littérature et de la poésie.
Pour rester fidèle à un premier amour, elle fit preuve d’un courage peu ordinaire.
Après le beau sacrifice qu’elle avait fait d’elle-même, cette fille a été trompée de différentes façons. Elle a subi toutes les hontes. Et par les liens du mariage, est devenue enfin l’épouse d’un Monsieur Thuc. Il a fallu que la femme légitime ait la main cruelle.
Elle la fit prendre et amener de force à Vô Tich où elle comptait lui faire subir un traitement infâme. Poussée à bout, Kieu s’enfuit de la maison. Sa malchance la fit tomber la famille des Bac.
Aussitôt par ces gens elle fut revendue. Comme un nuage poussé par les vents et lentille d’eau qui flotte, elle a vagabondé ainsi de ville en ville. Mais il lui arriva de rencontrer un homme.
Supérieur aux autres par son intelligence et sa bravoure, puissant à remuer le ciel.
Tenant dans ses mains des dizaines de mille de soldats d’élite.

Chau Tran , amilies allied.

( Châu Trần )
CD-KVK7-03, from verse 2863 to verse 2906.
Music : Quach Vinh-Thien. Paris, November 11th, 2008.
Translation : Hoai Van Tu.
Voice : Huong Giang.

2863 - And in no time, good news of their glory reached their home towns.
Thinking of the old days of misfortune, young Vuong himself.
Went to Mr Chung’s home to thank him for his help.
To pay his debt of gratitude and make the two families closer together.
He asked for the hand of Mr Chung’s daughter and married her.
The more Kim progressed on the road to honors.
The more he thought of Kieu and the more he loved her. He murmured.
With whom did I exchange gold and stone love pledge.
With whom am I now sharing jade mansion and horses with golden harness.
She is like a duckweek that the billows of misfortune toss up and down.
While I am living in honors and riches, not knowing of her whereabouts.

2873 - Kieu was appointed head of the district of Lam Tri.
With his family, he traveled thousands of miles to his place of duty.
Peace in his district made his days and months quite enjoyable.
His pipa and pet crane made his mornings and evenings quite relishable.
I was spring and behind pink curtains, Van was enjoying conjugal life.
Suddenly, Kieu appeared to her in a dream at night.
Waking up, she told Kim about the encounter in the dream.
He believed only half of the story, at least soi t seemed.
He thought, we searched for her in Lam Thanh and we are in Lam Thanh now.
Only the last word is different. Probably there was a mistake somehow.
Let’s try again. Affinity always makes us search for each other.
Maybe this time, we’ll have good news of here.

2885 - The next morning for a thorough investigation, he gave order.
An old clerk named Do disclosed the whole matter.
Do said : Sir, over ten years back, the story dated.
I knew all the persons involved, their names and their faces.
Tu Ba and Ma Sinh Giam a girl from Peking somehow.
And brought her down here to their bawdy house.
Thuy Kieu was her name, incomparable were her beauty and talent.
She was a born poet and her pipa performance was also excellent.
She showed extraordinary co-victim usage in preserving her chastity.
First she attempted suicide then she was victim of betrayals and duperies.

2895 - After enduring considerable ignominy and misery.
She became Thuc’s concubine and lived with him in secrecy.
But Thuc’s legitimate wife, who was cruel and clever, kidnapped her.
And brought her to Vo Tich, intending to break that tender flower.
Driven to the wall, she had to flee.
But only to fall into the bad hands of the Bac family.
She was bought then resold like a piece of merchandise.
As a floating duckweed, a wandering cloud, she constantly hiked.
Then she met a men, great in courage and mind.
Whose military strength could quiver earth and sky.
His one-hundred-thousand-man army.
Conquered and occupied the citadel of Lam Tri